gas prices? WHY????

Yes but not the way you think , Reagan actually killed the whole commodities market bankrupting the average North American Farmer in the process and of course creating the Corporate Farm culture we have today , the biggest drain on the Russian economy was actually 10 years of unwinable war in Afghanistan , so yes history is repeating itself , your economy tanked , the banks got bailed out , congress just enabled another dump of corporate debt and repealed the act that was supposed to keep the banks in check and prevent another dump and collapse -read the riders to the budget that just passed before you reply Lead .

I, personaaly AM NOT a dem or rep!!! when you mentioned the NEW budget just passed ( what a joke), the d em, were bitching cause the other side slid stuff by them. !!! LOL
WHY is it NOT their job to read, or have someone read, the bill BEFORE they vote on it. Forrest Gump would have made a better representative of the people 1000 times over than these ignorant, crooked b-------! just my opinion .....LOL