Soul warming winter food......

Winter food? I was raised in the bayou country. Hard to beat a pot of red beans and rice with some lean beef brisket cooked in for a nice one pot meal on a cold winter's day.

Live in Texas now, so lots of great Tex Mex food here. Beef fajitas or huevos rancheros...... And pretty much anything made with avocado. Its all good.

Love eggs cooked with small slices of nopales, cebolla dulce and a pinch of cilantro scrambled in and rolled in tortillas de maĆ­s for breakfast. Yum!!!

Happy Motoring,


Ernie makes a lot of "one pot" meals. Will often defrost some ground and not really know what to do with it. In a pot it goes, some Pato sauce, few different varieties of beans, onions, garlic,cilantro and celery. Maybe toss in some taters. Warm up a few flour tortillas and we are good to go.
I mentioned to her that I once made a "Tex Mex" meatloaf that was very good. Her response was an eye roll while she called me a pinche white boy.

For those that don't know what pinche means.....
FiretrUCKING... terms of endearment.....gotta love them....