Soul warming winter food......

Ernie makes a lot of "one pot" meals. Will often defrost some ground and not really know what to do with it. In a pot it goes, some Pato sauce, few different varieties of beans, onions, garlic,cilantro and celery. Maybe toss in some taters. Warm up a few flour tortillas and we are good to go.
I mentioned to her that I once made a "Tex Mex" meatloaf that was very good. Her response was an eye roll while she called me a pinche white boy.

For those that don't know what pinche means.....
FiretrUCKING... terms of endearment.....gotta love them....

Sounds good, inkjunkie! How did you make your Tex Mex meatloaf? I might give it a try.



P.S. >>>> ¡Orale! What she said ain't so bad. Just as long as she doesn't want to throw chingasos (go to fist city), you're OK, esse. :thumbup: