I never thought I'd say this, but it's time to sell

I am about to be in the same boat as you. I will hopefully be changing jobs soon for the better (fire department). I am looking at taking a huge pay cut for the next 3 years so the car may be up on the sale block or I will try and sell all the goodies I have bought for it.

I have had the car sense I was 17 and it has tons of father son sentimental value. I am 37 now and the car has always been there to give me hope and something to keep my mind sharp no matter what. I love my wife and kid but that car holds a value I am not sure how to replace. The car will never fetch what I know it could be worth. I even feel that chiming in on this thread could be a jinx but my dad always had a saying "get sentimental about something else". This would be easy for me if the car was finished but it is not. I will do anything I can to keep it short of putting my home and family second.
I hope you find a way to keep your. Because if it carries any type of emotional ties I think the regret of selling it will be like unimaginable.

Best of luck. Maybe you can find a member here with a big barn to store if for you.