Left for Dead 68 Barracuda Buildup

I have gone as far as I can on the blasting till the suspension
is removed. I will try to get that done today.
Before I remove the K-frame I took a measurement from the
driver side frame rail to the steering box. It was 3/4". I can move the steering box mounting bracket over towards the driver side rail nearly this amount without cutting into the frame rail.
This should give me some extra room for the headers.
More on this when K-frame is removed.
Before the steering column was removed I put a mark where I wanted the outer column tube to end. Hurst removed 2" of this tube to fit the Hemi. I just moved it as far as I could. I removed about 4 1/2"
It doesn't seem like much but I will take all the extra room I can find. I still have to have room for the clutch rod and Z-bar.
Since my car was originally a automatic transmission car
It doesn't have the Z-bar pivot bracket welded to the outside
of the inner fender. I will leave this stiffening plate off till I
have checked Z-bar operation for best location.