Best damned Christmas present in a very, VERY long time !!!

Got it for $2.53 here in westminster md, anyone know why the gas price is steady dropping? And if its gonna stay or just go back up?

My conspiracy theory is that OPEC has reduced the price of gas as well as US drillers to drive the wildcat frac'rs under. All the loans for the frac'ing operations depended on of a business model that had >$60/bbl oil prices and with them falling under 60, they are losing money and are getting their equipment repo'd already with big oil standing on the sidelines snapping up the surplus. Russia is getting the worst end of this deal as their economy is impacted hugely by oil pricing. I have heard declining prices until mid 2015 (as well as interest rates) . That will make a possible .75c new gas tax on CA drivers a little easier to swallow. Stupid global warming prop we hypocrites passed a few years ago.