Just another cam pick question.

Swap gears first. Report back! ;)

There is allways a better cam. Are your heads ported and have they been flow tested? If so, are the numbers available?
What is the goal? More power? Where in the rpm range/band do you want it?
Quick ramps make more power.
Don't allways beileve the hype on a "Our Bla bla cams take advantage of the 904 lifter" crap because few companies do.
And by the time you actually instal and drive one, you may not like it.

When it comes to selecting cams, the first thing you gotta know is what the operating rpm band is OR where your cruise rpm is. With that "Known" you have your duration. It is an adjustable number based on what your doing with the car. Mostly a cruiser? Back the suration down a bit.

Now, the heads, where does the head stall in terms of its flow?
.500, .550?
On a street ride, select lift on the heads Max flow. On a more strip ride, exceeding the max lift is sometimes done. Not what I normaly recomend. But as long as you have V to P clearance and a good valve spring, your good to go.

That rhythmic sound is how the cam is set up. That "Muscle car sound" is normaly generated by a cam listed on a 110. Going down adds to the "Chop" and going up smooths it out.

Now gonlook at cams. Let us know what your looking at.
From here on out it is gong to be mostly opinions and guess' based on smarts or lack there off.