Just another cam pick question.

I didn't have a chance to get the heads flow tested. We did a little work on the ports just to clean them up. The main thing for me is my et. I only had the chance to make a few passes with the new engine set up and my best was a 13.4 at 98 but it was stuttering big time at the top end. I fixed the stuttering problem and believe the car is capable of a low 13 run now. I'm really trying to get into the twelves buy that can be achieved through a better stall converter then the cheap jegs 3000 stall that's in it now.

I'm trying not to get off point here though because I know the other things that need to be addressed with my car I was just curious if the cam seemed like a bad choice to anyone. I seem to remember guys sayying they saw a good improvement once they ditched the purple cam. I'll try to find some time to dig around for the power range of the cam on my lunch.