Good Member Seller

There was a sticky posted not long ago from Joeychgo Important Please Read A word about scammers and in it it described the typical scammers about wanting a money order or a check and not taking PayPal because their PayPal account was dormant. Well I just dealt with a member here that go's by the name of Ronni from Houston Texas. I was a little unsure about buying these parts for my Scamp at first simply because he did not have a PayPal account and only wanted me to send him a check or money order for $165.00. I did not know this guy at all but I decided to trust him and see what happened. I am here to say that Ronni is a good person and a good member to deal with and if you decide to buy parts from him don't let the no PayPal part fool you, he sent all my parts in a very timely manner and I will buy from him again if I need something else. With all the scamming going on lately we need to let others know who we can trust and who not to.
Thanks Ronni