Cam re-grind

Read up on the subject so it does mean something to you. Teach a man to fish bro. Don't be a :tool:.

Thanks for the reply. Ya, I've done a fair amount of reading up on the subject. There certainly is a lot to learn. And I've learned a lot here on this site, and I'm truley grateful to those who unselfishly took the time to literally spell it out for me. Their efforts to help out dummies like me needs to be applauded.

But I'm no real mechanic, just a wanna-be I guess. I own a small business, struggling to survive, self employed for the last 27 years. This, as well as other obligations, is what occupies a lot of my time. Your comment seems to imply something innapropriate, either towards me or Rob, not sure who it was directed to. But not necessary either way.

Again, thanks and a big two thumbs up to the real assets here on FABO. You know who you are!