anybody been asked to give Paypal more info than normal?

Just had Paypal shut down my account till I supply a lot of private info for no reason and wondered if this had happened to anybody else? They want a photo id (drivers license) social security number and a copy of something showing my address even though I have a verified one. Of course there's not one place to email them or talk to a real human. The account was recently opened because we have a new bank. Address is the same. Been using Paypal for years, not one hitch till now. I've only did 2 transactions, 1 to Rock Auto and I bought a Betty Crocker cookbook off Ebay. Real hardcore stuff. I cannot see giving them this info and why the hell they need it. It is the legitimate account for Paypal too. The only other thing I can think off is maybe they raised the security level up and the name John Smith is a red flag to them like the airports. Real funny too when a guy in a turban gets right on the plane and simply because my parents lack imagination, I get profiled and have to prove why I want to get on the plane, like having a ticket isn't enough. Anyways I'd like to hear if anybody else has had Paypal ask you to provide info that they tell you to not provide to people who ask for it using the paypal logo.