Add Your Own Caption Part 90

U B E R S E T Z U N G E N (Translation)

Grafenwoehr, Germany

The Imperial Army Research and Test Directorate has developed a new high mobility assault weapon system (see above), per the directive number B.14.501.C, using proven technology. The system can deliver up to 500 rounds per minute while moving at speeds up to 40 kph. Cross-country mobility is excellent as is the ability to function in all but the coldest environments.

Current Issues with the System:

  1. Use of the Maxim gun in a frontal assault resulted in the immediate death of the horse.
  2. Accuracy of the system is good initially when stationary. Once in motion, system accuracy falls below current qualification standards. Poor accuracy results in the immediate death of the horse.
  3. System operators require a high degree of physical fitness and equestrian expertise. The jobs of reining the horse and effectively firing the gun requires these skills as well as a great degree of coordination.
  4. Many of the horses engaged in the tests were uncontrollably agitated by the firing of the Maxim gun in close proximity to their heads. This resulted in bucking action that often threw the system operator to the ground sometimes with fatal results. Even after the operator was thrown to the ground, hot water from the Maxim cooling system would scald the horse prolonging the bucking action.


If the Imperial High Command believes that sending 500 kg of crazed horseflesh into enemy lines randomly spewing hot lead, hot brass, and hot water is going to break the stalemate on the Western Front, then unit field trials should proceed. Please advise at your earliest opportunity as it will take the Quartermaster a long lead time to acquire the number of horses necessary.

Kaptain Wilhelm Klink