anybody been asked to give Paypal more info than normal?

So far it's legit. I didn't reply to the email but went directly to the website. Just like THEY tell you to do. Called a 888 number and some Canadian answered and told me that the very info that they are asking for, is in fact the info that they want and it is a random thing that all accounts will be asked to verify this info eventually because they are required to by law. I said, "So you are asking for the very info you say not to provide to emails asking for it". Finally after repeating myself 5 or 6 times he gave me the above line about the government requiring it. I told him nicely that I probably would not be using their service any longer and hung up. He offered to get the ball rolling to clear it up if I would give him my social security number over the phone.:finga: I'm smelling a class action lawsuit on the way. I know at least a hundred people that no way in hell would they give out this kind of info. I guess they spin a wheel to see who they piss off today and I was the lucky winner. What the hell does a car guy do without a Paypal account? Guess I'll have to buy a tuner so I can do all my shopping at Autozone. What a day, started out as abodylurker and now I'll be the new guy on fartcansandstickers registry.

I get e-mails all the time telling me my Pay Pal account will be closed or put on hold if I don't do "this" or "that". I carefully move them to my junk folder. Then I go to my ebay website (where I feel safe) and access my PP account from there. It has never been closed or put on hold or anything. The few times I have reported these e-mails to PP they take the info and I never hear anything back. So now I ignore all e-mails pertaining to my PP account. You can always access your PP account through their website and see your account status anyway.
One of the e-mails was so stupid.. the title said, "From pypal"...really, the idiot scammers can't even spell PP correctly!!!!
