Hein Werner 63752

Trying to re-build a leaking pump on this porta power, evidently the kit is no longer avail, there was a rubber seal/O-ring that has disintegrated within the pump and so I dont have much to go on in the way of finding a replacement.

Most local hydraulic cylinder centers have gone out of business, I was able to find a guy at a local place that with taking some measurements has assembled a kit for me that should work, no guarantees.

Problem: There is a 25 dollar minimum charge, its a total of maybe 5 small O-rings and chances are I will never need all the extras ( as extra kits ) he is throwing in just to make the amount of 25 justifiable.

Anyone here know where I can find an original parts list breakdown or anything else that might help me to be able to gather the required info so that I can go on-line and purchase the required O-rings at half the price.

Dont really need an extra porta power but I hate to just junk the thing. Thanks