I never thought I'd say this, but it's time to sell

none of us here know WHAT relationship your car has in the family, that is your and your wife's relationship to the car. Is it a loved member of the family or just a sore subject??????
if the car is very important to you, perhaps she would be willing to make "further" sacrifices so you can keep it??? trust me, thru the years you will both make sacrifices for each other!!!
if it makes no big woop, to you sell it! like he said, the $$ ya get out of it will be soon gone, and nothing to show for it except less that one car....
You know you will be a "foreigner" when you get down theare, but once you make a friend ( and a deserved relation), to a local, and car guy too, you will find people go WAY out of their way to help you there. shouldn't b e hard at all to find someone out in the country a ways that will find a spot for it. if nothin else throw, a good tarp over it????
we get plenty of advice on here, but you are the only one that's knows your feelings and your wifes. good luck