I never thought I'd say this, but it's time to sell

don't sell it. i sold both of my chargers (68&69)cuz i was deploying back to iraq from Ft. Bliss/El Paso, Tx. and i didn't want them to be sitting in the motorpool yard possibly getting stripped of parts being so close to mexico and thieves so i did sell the 69 to a fellow army soldier with the hopes of buying it back but after i got back guy and charger where both gone. my 68 however i got screwed by the guys from desert car kings and they raped me without lube on that deal and ever since then when i see a charger i wanna kick myself in the *** for selling them. the closest thing i have to a mopar is my 65 barracuda and i won't get rid of that. i hope that 1 day in the future i will be able to get another charger