I never thought I'd say this, but it's time to sell

Bottom line is it's your car and you know what is your priorities. I myself sold a pretty solid roadrunner several years ago that I put back together, enjoyed it a few years and it was a very trustworthy car, very comfortable cruiser/highway car. Sold it to get what I wanted that I still have to this day. When I look back I should've kept the roadrunner. This car I have now I got into way more than I had planned. I will keep this one as long as I keep the car interest, but when that goes away this one will go and that's it. Hopefully as my youngest grandchild gets older and if he takes up the car bug I will help him along with his own car or allow him to enjoy the present one with me. I found out with just a year or two before I purchased this car the prices went higher with everything, parts, paint materials, and paint. I couldn't believe how it changed in such a short time, and this is an A body. Good Luck with your decision, a lot of good advise here. :burnout: