If you could go back, or pick and era to grow up in...would you you?

lot of interesting posts..... I turned 16 in ''64 and got my licence and a got grocery store job after school and all day sat. $1 /hr. paid my way, cheap gas and a 49 chevy, not sure of gas mileage but went 30 mi to a qt of oil! a great time in my life till in '64 or 5,, my Marine cousin came home and told us about Nam. my dad spent 4 yr in WW11 and 1 yr in Korea in Marines. the draft? he said if ya get drafted ya got to go, IF you join I WILL kick you *** hard from here to yonder. Yonder was a long way! 1970 I hit the lottery,they drew numbers in Jan, ..... by sept i figured no army. as said on here before, lots of young lives lost... will leave it at that..... BUT all in all, the sixties and early seventies were the best years of my life.....

we find out own happiness. some of the happiest and most satisfied people I know are the Amish. No cars, no electricity, no TV, NO computer..... a gas motor runs some tools, a horse and buggy get them there, in r ain, snow, cold.....Vodka fuels their lamps..... make their own clothes, grow most of their food..... so what is their secret???? maybe its a strong faith in their creator and themselves??????