problems with kickdown shift RPM

Id recommend a quick check of the throttle pressure valve, to make sure the dang thing is engaged inside the trans.This can be done under the hood but I recommend to do it at the trans. Just remove the KD rod at the lever. Then push the lever all the way to the back as far as it will go.You should feel spring resistance and the spring should return the lever to the front.Total travel, Im guessing should be about 2 plus inches as measured at the rod-hole. Then reinstall the KD rod and make sure the carb is pushing that lever all the way back,as well.
Its also possible that a wrong spring was installed there. Some of those springs in the kit are very similar in sizing.I know they are color coded, but still its possible. I wish there was a detailed spring description including; wire size,number of coils, left or right wound,length and diameter, and color,included in the kits.But,Alas,Ive never come accross one. I suppose its also possible that someone forgot to crank up the line pressure during the kit install.
Governor weights/springs also need to be related to the rear gear ratios.