Embarrassed a perv today...

I contribute most of that to the "additives" that they put in the food. :wack:

Young girls growing boobs when they are 10-13 when they should begetting them at 14-18 years old. I believe it's from the hormones in the meat that we raise. They put hormones in the food that they feed the chickens, pigs, and cows so they get bigger with less food. then we eat the meat with the hormones in it and we get bigger (fatter) with less food and grow big people parts earlier than we should be. :oops:

Then with all the sugar that they put in the drinks, it's a wonder why more people are obese/fat and get diabetes.... Even fruit juices have high sugar in them - look at the labels. Sugar makes me more thirsty. the more there is in the drink, the more thirsty you get... It's so you keep drinking it more and more.... I usually just drink pain water.... O:)

At my youngest son's 8th grade graduation, I noticed that there were many girls close to or over 6 feet tall. They reach a growth spurt before the boys (boys go through it in high school). But yes, the kids now days keep getting taller and taller.

Each generation keeps getting taller. Abe Lincoln was considered a giant back in his day and he was only 6 feet tall. Today, that's average or just below for a male.... #-o

Then you get the basket ball players over 7 feet tall.... :banghead:
This is good "food for thought".....:cheers: