Rebuilding the front suspension

I hope I'm not messing with Bills question, but if you want your steering wheel centered (meaning your steering wheel isn' cocked off to one side when the wheels face straight ahead) then you have to do what it takes to get it that way.
Most people don't think about the wheel being centered until they are all done, then notice and go "Screw it, I'm not redoing all that"

The BEST way to do it is to center your steering wheel first and then do whater is needed with your tie rod adjustments to bring both wheels where they need to be.
Same amount of turns on each side does not matter all. (approximate is fine) as long as one side isn't bottomed on the adjustment and the other barely holding by a couple of threads. :D just fairly equal.

OH, and you can bungie the steering wheel nice and tight or whatever works for you to hold it straight while you adjust.

I dont think I will have that problem with my car. I have a after market Grant wheel on it and Im pretty sure I can center my wheel after words. Although I will make sure that the steering box is centered before beginning. Using the bungies is a dang good idea. Thanks for all your help Greg.