Stop in for a cup of coffee

Rani, you ok? You need your sleep. Can you take a nap during the day. I use non prescription sleep aids from time to time to help me. I'm sure I have apnea
but haven't been tested. I have found it helps to get off the computer and let my brain rest for an hour before I go to sleep. tmm

my parents don't care if I nap in the day because I work at night. working at night is not really a smart thing to do for health. But its paying the bills and supplying the mopar money LOL

during the summer my favorite thing to do is to go take a nap in the demon. the car is on blocks and not going anywhere anytime soon but has a nice comfy bench seat and during the summer its nice and toasty in the car with the quarter windows popped open for a perfect breeze and the yard the car is in is a private yard so no one around ...just me and the cat. :cheers:

this sums up people working nights. LOL