You talked me into it. 727 to a 904

Ok so I got two transmissions from my buddy, one is a 1988 and the other 1975. Tore them both apart today and here is what I found. So first the 1975. it has a four clutch front and rear.Aluminum four pinion sets first and second. But here is where it gets weird the sprag is different from 1975 to 1988. The 1975 is a pinned sprag and is way smaller then the 1988. Whats weird is that the 1988 sprag is about 1/3 bigger than the 1975. The 1988 is everything that i wanted, low ratio first and second, five plate front pack and four rear. So i am moving forward and this is what I got right now. I will post pictures as I go.

It's not weird, Mopar (and every other company) made changes over the yrs that they felt improved them. The larger higher capacity sprague is one of the improvements. The more transmission work you do the more differences you'll find in them from year to year. Makes it tough sometimes finding parts

Is the 88 a lockup or non-lockup version?