oil press WAY TO HIGH during prime

And a fine job you did. I cannot commend you enough. If you were local, I'd split a pitcher of beer with you. Ok, maybe 2 or 3. Kitty could drive home.


But you did also help solve this problem. Together we were able to get the info from him to figure out what was going on and then get him back on track. You helped get me focused on the root cause. Now the OP knows what to do to get it fixed, and learned alot from this mistake. You learn more from making a mistake and then fixing it, than just putting it together. I guarantee, he will never make this mistake again... I've learned many lessons this way also....

I like doing the write ups. My sons like when I show them how to do things and tell me I'm good at teaching. Plus it used to be part of my job, so I have alot of experience doing it...

My youngest son just started getting interested in building cars last year, and we're showing him "the ropes" now. I like passing my knowledge to him. It's better than keeping it in and letting it die with me - pass it on to keep it going.... And me and his older brother are teaching him and it's good quality time with all of us together. I'm glad that they both like to work on cars now.

My grandma used to make home made gravy for anything from scratch. My dad once told me that she never taught him how to do it. After she died, he wished she would have taught him how. The knowledge died with her. Sure there are other people out there that can do it, but it would be nice to be able to do it like her... Her way was simple, basic, and delicious....

I'm planning on doing a complete how to on engine assy, hopefully in the next year or so. C and I have been talking about it for a while.... :glasses7:

I have plans to get a few 360's together in the next year and a half if things go as planned and no set-backs. :D

Doing a whole engine and posting it all will take some planning on how to break it up into "sections" and then "adding" it all up so it flows well from start to finish. And try not to get too boring to keep people's interest... It's alot of info and pictures to collect and organize.... :banghead:

And after putting in the time and effort, knowing that it helped someone makes the whole thing worth while. (You hate to do that for nothing)....