oil press WAY TO HIGH during prime

Karl, you are really blessed to have sons interested in what you love to do. All mine wanted was to be vegetable and play video games all day. Cherish it, because it is rare these days. God bless yall.

That's what I'm saying. My oldest son got in early when he was 13, but the youngest didn't have any interest until last year. That's ok. I didn't want to push him....

Then when he started driving, his interest in cars opened up. His older brother started "working" on/with him. Then last April the oldest boy asked if we had an engine for the other one to work on. So I gave him a 360 that I had laying around and we tore it down together. Now we have to calculate what piston height and save up for his rods/pistons. He doesn't have a car body to put it in yet, but he's interested in a Duster or Scamp. He has plenty of time to look as he saves up his money to buy one...

Mine do get in the "video game" mode sometimes also....

But, I'm very glad that he "came around" and is interested in cars with us. I'm proud to be able to work on cars with my boys and teach them how they go together.... Both of my boys are interested in cars, I'm 2-for-2! Dam right I'm lucky....