A Truth about snap- on dealers


They are not as cheap as wal-mart, but if you outfit your drawer with enough pairs to suit your entire sock needs, you will never buy another pair ever again, to replace damaged and worn out ones. And they are made in the US.

I wear Red Wing US made boots, because everything else gets obliterated, working on trains and cars. I can't find quality size 16 work shoes anywhere else. They cost me $240, but they have held up for a year and a half. I'm about due for a re-sole, which will run me about $65-70. Worth the investment, though.

I know it's off topic. I just had my Red Wing 218's resoled($75, he dyed them, polished , new laces), they're about three y/o, worth every penny. Most don't realize the difference in fatigue and pain over the course of a day when you have a boot made that's quality and fits properly. I paid the extra for them to do the measurements and make me a boot (close to 3 c-notes). When the leather gives out I'll get another pair. I feel am still ahead of the game opposed to the $130 china boots I was wearing out in under a year