sunk valves, stem height problem

Thanks for the help... I am reusing the stock cam with its worn lifters and pushrods, everything is stock (2 barrel tricycle carburetor) i just want a reliable engine for now, most of the books i have looked at call for a valve stem tip grinding limit of 0.010 0.015 ive read on some forum that 1 piece valves with welded tips can be grinded up to 0.060, 2 piece valves with hardenet tips only 0.010... Elgin industries says in their catalog that their pro stock valves ( what i am using) are maded either two piece and hardened tip or one piece and welded tip.... I called elgin industries today ( my first ever overseas call) fun. But the technical help guy wasnt there.

I am aware that i need shims for the springs i had to call an industrial machine shop to have a set of 8 4140 steel shims 0.040 thick custom milled because nobody uses or sells them in the entire city (or country) im afraid.