Whoa There Almost Homeless Guy

I call Bullshit , there is all kinds of good paying work available to a healthy young person , it's not glamorous or sitting on your *** getting fat kind of work , it's hard , dirty physical work but it pays better than most college degree jobs and doesn't come with a huge student loan . The trades are always looking for honest hard young people , the mines , the rigs the road builders , just because your kids feel too entitled to do this kind of work doesn't mean it isn't there . In my youth I knew kids that left school after grade 8 to become plumbers and ditch diggers , the school board got it made into law that any kid under 16 had to be in school so then it was 16 and out after grade 10 to do the same thing. thats thousands of kids every year in a city of 4 million leaving school to earn a real good living and raise families by working hard without being so full of themselves that they turn their noses up at good paying work . Society has brain washed everyone into thinking a University degree is needed to get a good job and getting one guarantee's it , both are a lie , There are plenty of high school drop outs making 100k-250k a year working all over the world in the trades while the Colleges are full of dipshits getting liberal arts and sociology degrees on their parents dime , really if you pay for your kid to get a degree in a field with no actual job path at graduation or a job path that pays below middle class income while incurring crippling student loan debt you and your child are both dipshits .
Next time you are stuck at a road work site ask the kid with the dirty fingernails how much he's getting paid to play that shovel , you might find he makes more than you do .

You don't have to explain it to me, I am that guy who is in a trade making more than most of my friends. Still, I was lucky, around here Kodak and Bausch and Lomb were the main employers, providing ample blue collar jobs. They moved away, leaving most of their work force here looking for the same jobs that the youth are looking for. I agree with you mostly, the Uni's and society are at fault for pushing degrees, the gov is at fault for forcing labor out, the parents are at fault for raising entitled kids, and the kids are dumb enough to buy into all of this crap.

You're full of it if you think there are "plenty" of drop outs making 100-250k a year though.