Whoa There Almost Homeless Guy

yes I believe life is harder for this generation than we, the kids of the 60's. but, too many kids are raised never having any responsibilities or respect for themselves much less anyone else. some kids genes make them more difficult than others no doubt?. parents start to mold their children at an early age whether they know it or not. I raise two girls. they knew I told them once. they learned that as a toddler. No I didn't "beat" them. they just simply learned that I was the authority and I didn't repeat myself to just be ignored. that was the way I was raised.
I was at a big mopar show/ swap 10-12 years back with a friend, we spent the night at the motel. my buddy's 13 years came along. we got up early of course, as we brought parts. he told the son 3 times to get up and get dressed. he ignored dad. I simply took the bucket of ice water and poured the whole thing on him in the bed, and said I hope the bed will be dry by that night. next morning he was the first one dressed. he learned not to screw with me but his dad never established any respect for his requests.
like the guy said, back where I was raised, you graduated high school, you either went to college, trade school, found a job, or got drafted/joined the service. and pretty soon after getting a job, you didn't live with mom and dad. did anyone of us think this tough!? most didn't. a few did. there we no credit cards. yea, we all made some mistakes and learned by them, but running to your parents when you stubbed your toe, wasn't an option.
you had a job, established credit with a bank. you paid your bills. keep your word. sucked it up. whining wasn't an option. you were raised to say yes and no sir/ mam... please.. thank you. you respected your elders even if you thought they were somewhat out of touch. we were molded good or bad, by our parents, grandparents, relatives, friends, school teachers. yes the teacher had the right to correct your behavior when needed. if a great BIG paddle was needed, it was applied ,and you had no idea of calling the cops. they would have had a good laugh!!!! you had plenty of opportunity to straight up before the paddle.
being from a rural environment gave many of us opprortunity to have more responsibility ( if the parent so choose). some of big farm kids were lazy, spoiled self centered...most were raised to learn work ethics at early age.
when I was 16 mon found me a job working at the supermarket. 12 hour day sat, and after school 4 days a week. I did chores before and after work.... I bought my gas, shotgun shells, horse feed, whatever I needed. I didn't have to go to them for an allowance. ( what was that?).. was I mistreated? NO. I was directed to learn that the world does not owe me a living. its up to me to make my way...