Whoa There Almost Homeless Guy

That's the million dollar question isn't it? :-)
The Wife want's to make their lives as convenient as possible, and I'm more on the "Go do your life and let us continue ours" idea.

Workin on it though. :-)

Hate to tell your wife, but she isn't doing the lads any favors by trying to make it convenient for them to live with you! Young adults need to be self sufficient, and that means paying for everything!! They need their own bills, deadlines, freedom, investments, hobbies....everything that goes with being an adult! That's the only way to become a functioning adult, and be prepared for having a wife and family!! I didn't start investing for my future until I was almost 30 because I was on my own and simply didn't have the money! But, I never borrowed from my Mom, and was/am a much better person because I did it all on my own!! When I did get into an investment program, my financial advisor showed me what I could have when I turned 65, then she showed me what I could've had if I had started 5 years earlier!! Wow, huge difference!!

Same with life, if they live under mommys wing until they're 30, they've lost all the momentum that those 10 years could've bought them! Tack a 30 year mortgage on the end of 30 years old, they'll be paying that until their 60! Tack on having kids at 30, they'll be 50 before their kids leave the house, later if they let them stay! I'm 50 and I have a 10 year old son, I'm the oldest parent at his school! When I go to a school function, I see people I grew up with....they're there to see their grandkids!!!!

These boys are ready to fly, tell momma to let them go!! Geof