Whoa There Almost Homeless Guy

back in the day before plastic, a msart young person, went to the local back or credit union., meet a loan officer, proved he had a job, and asked to borrow $100 or what ever they would loan him on his signature. you might have to meet more than more banker, but it would happen. you opened a checking and saving account, put the $100 in the savings, and paid it back with interest. little while later, you did it again. you had credit.

reading all these life accounts makes me think of the "Walton's" reruns go come on every day. maybe all these kids, ( yes those at home at 25) and the young ones, show be required to sit there every day and watch an episode, till they have seen all 10 years worth!!??? LOL and after every one, give a discussion of what it means and relates to their family!????

I feel many of us Americans have gotton soft. we want our kids to have it better. many times mom and dad never had it hard anyway? when the economy tanked in '08 and we were at the doorstep of another great depression, I really wondered if that would be the best thing to happen to millions of us?

food, shelter. clothing....... the essential of life..... how much of the other is " fluff"?? LOL

I agree with the nothing a college degree is the answer to it all. for many good smart kids, the vocational route has to be the way to go. everyone can't be a rocket scientist!

I have 2 grown daughters. 35 and 36. the oldest worked her way to a 4 yr degree in physical therapy. hated big cities, and worked for low pay in small town for 10 years, goes back to get her teaching degree.( that's what she decided she wanted). another 2 years to get second degree.. gets teaching job, then goes back to get her masters. pretty much required for the "overpaid" school teacher!

the younger one, had a scholarship for 2 semesters. never used it. ( both on their own at 18). works low pay jobs, married and divorced, 4 kids. she talks to me. the older one doesn't.

they both turned out to be good people. they pay their bills, work hard,

no one ever said raising kids was easy or simple!!????