Laptop recommendations?

Macbook, needs updates only a couple times a year, almost instant on and instant shut down, no security problems. My spouse has her various windows system computers wacking out frequently. In 5 years, I have only spent $110.00 to replace the battery, and that was recently. Never needed any repair whatsoever, never a virus either. And if anyone needs a tire recommendation Michelin is the Apple of the tire industry, always way ahead of the pack.

hmm that exactly the opposite of my experience with my macbook. I have in the last 2 years replaced the LCD with the glass, the top cover(tech ruined the top cover so it might not count as a repair) the motherboard, a new hard drive and the charger (twice) . my 5 year old Hp junker(I upgraded to the macbook cause it was just getting old and the wife liked the macbook) has had 0, yup ZERO repairs and the battery is still kicking. I hit the sleep button and it's off just like my macbook is supposed to do too! no security issues and no lockups. So your results may vary mine certainly did, I will not buy another macbook due to this bad experience! and yeah I worked as a tech for 9 years doing repairs on all types of computers/servers and Hughes-Net satellite setups so it wasn't from abuse, I just got an expensive lemon. Sony Vio products are NOT a laptop of choice for me since that was my major product I always had to repair in Gainesville fl. college campuses.