Matching ext of paint.

All depends on how faded your paint is. When was it painted initially? Does it sit outside in the sun? If ya got the same coad (oh, paint code) it should match. I changed hoods like you're doing and it matched perfectly using the same paint coad.

How can you shoot the underside of the hood completely when its mounted? Normal process is to paint the underside of the hood, then top, then mount it.

Thanks for the help,it was painted 2010 and is garage kept,sees sun very little,base clear.AS for the paint coad I sprayed under neigh myself.I gave Bob the paint coad, he paint the areas i did not want him to touch,i think he thought i forgot i wanted it at a down draft back booth,went ahead.What he used was the colour i wanted.WHEN it was time to shoot the body,well it was darker did not match under the hood and so on.I think they screwed up.