think im growing up?????

your offended that i didn't buy a domestic brand name build outside the US? you bet i did.

wasn't for a lack of trying though. I drove a ford focus (pile of crap) drove a Chrysler 200 also...... more plastic crap then an IKEA furniture store.

Fear not.... An American citizen collected a commission on the sale of my foreign car.

I had a good friend that drove a sentra when we were younger. We beat the crap out of that car and it never missed a tic. I remember sitting in the Wendy's drive through with it bouncing off the rev limiter trying to annoy the workers. Then we took it back to a empty lot and drove around with the ebrake locked up. The car was only a few years old but man it took a beating.

It's not one of my favorite cars but you like it and it's always nice having a new car. Congrats!