the best husband

the husband is at the club, cell phone on bench in the locker room rings, he picks it up, puts it on speaker, and answers. yes dear.....

woman: dear, i'm at the store and they have this wonderful fur coat. costs $2000. I just simply love it.

husband: if you like it, buy it.

woman: and dear, I passed the Lexus store, they had the perfect car. but they wanted $98,000.

husband: well offer them $90,000, they will take it.

woman: and dear, the neighbor that have that home I just adore, its for sale. $999,000. I know its a lot.

husband: if it will make you happy, tell them its sold.

all the guys say" ya man, way to go"!!!! you da man!!!! "give it hell"!

husband, lays the phone down, and asks: " anyone know whose phone this is"????