The problem with seller feedback ratings...ABUSERS

ever noticed how some people on craigs and fleebay take pics of their 4 door car only showing the front doors!? best thing when selling is try to be VERY accurate with pics and give very critical description.
to keep good rep, I feel returns should be granted if and when the seller can go back and look and read his description and pics and REALIZE just maybe he made a mistake. if he's sure he was accurate, then I would stick by my guns.
i'm not taking sides on this particular case, just giving my opinion in general.
back in the OLD days (before putters and stupid phones)..., when selling a car. I would send the guy tons of photos ( yes thru snailmail), but I would tell him, call me and let me tel him about the car. pics don't show all!!??? I wanted the car to be at least minimum of what he expected and really more....