The problem with seller feedback ratings...ABUSERS

The Golden Rule? Do you remember what it is?? Something like: "Do un to others as you would want done to you" NOT 'Do un to others and then screw them'. Darrell made the mistake to think that since the scoops were now in my possession I was stuck with them, and he had my money and wasn't going to part with it.

yes, that is exactly what it is. You got your money back and he got his parts back. you left negative feedback, but he is not allowed to? I cry BULLSHIT!

Actually, not having anything to do with the so called Deal. Im actually agreeing on this part. Reading alot of this and so called comprehending in my lil pea brain......You returned the parts,got what 90% of your money back, got your feedback resolved, using what you Have? Im sorry, call me stupid but if you already have a set why buy another? Sorry, not trying to ruffle feathers but the more i read the more unsure/confused im gettin