cruising the coast 2015

when I booked these 2 rooms yesterday online, the computer told me that they only had 6 rooms left with these accomodations. so I don't know what that meant. I booked one room with a king bed and an adjoining room with 2 queen beds. we will see. I looked at a lot of rooms down there. I started to just stay with family down there as my wife is from there but I wanted to have some fun this time. matter of fact my wifes aunt used to work at that casino. I have lost a lot of money there over the years there. We may still keep the 3 cars at her family's house at night. not sure yet. Plan on taking a trip to nawlins one day as my son and his wife has never been to the quarters before. may go over to Mobile also. should be a great time. The cruise down should be interesting too. 750 miles.