76 Scamp A/C


I think 429duster has outlined a good plan. Get a factory service manual. Change the front shaft cartridge seal an big O ring, you will want a R-134A compatible O ring. Find a RV-2 gasket set an drop the oil sump pan and clean things out. RV-2's are one tough compressor as long as they don't run out of oil. Redfish makes a good point on the reed valves though, water an rust can really do them in. Valve plates are really hard to come by these days. Watch the little check ball valve and spring when you pull the sump off. After you put the RV-2 back together, fill it with 8 to 10 oz of ester based oil. I would use ester based oil because it is compatible with either R-134A or R-12. I like BVA 100 Ester Glo because it has UV dye in it for leak detection.

R-12 is getting really pricey and you need a 609 certificate to buy it so you may be better off with R-134A. Change out all the old O rings in the system to R-134A compatible types you will be doing this anyway when you replace the drier an expansion valve. The EPR valve is calibrated for R-12 so, you might be better off leaving it out an installing a cycling switch in the evaporator as the older A body cars did if you use R-134A.