Goodbye to the pentastar !!!!!

Not for nothing, but minimum wage was $1/hr in 1967. That means working full time you'd make $320/mo gross. I'm just saying that a $100 car payment would be pretty steep IMO!

I might be out of whack but a 383 Road Runner probably wasn't considered anywhere near the balls to the wall car we were talking about :)

My buddy who is broke as a joke and trades upside down on cars every year or two just picked up one of those SRT Core Challenger things so I guess it's doable no matter what you earn. Of course I kill him with my little 2 liter turbocharged RSX so I can't say it was money well spent, and my Acura even heavily boosted will be running long after his Dodge is in a ditch long as I can get American cars from when they were real cars, I'm good and won't miss the pentastar on the Chrysleriats!

Well, maybe in your case they can replace it with a Bowtie. As for me I prefer the pentastar. Everybody is entitled to their opinion .