What is the world coming to ??

Ok so I live in a small town in the Kootenays (B.C). Work at a lead smelter thats been here for over a 100yrs. Get home last night and my wife is like did you hear about the 2 kids who made a video on how to kill your teacher(posted it on you tube). Um what hello WTF. Where do they live.(right away I'm thinking big town city) Nope they live here in my small town. Two boys 11 and 13. How the fridge does this happen? When I was that age we were outside playing(summer or winter) Building forts,playing road hockey,kick the can,flash light tag,dirt biking. Trying to kiss the girl maybe grab her bum. My small town bubble of its a good place to raise my kids is busted. Question is what do I do now. Given our lack of punishment in this country we'll wait untill one of these kids shoots or beats another kid and then say yep saw that coming. Not sure if there's is really a question in there but I am missing the days where a hand shake was good, you could trust your neighbor and your kids friends parents to watch over your kids when thier in their house.