Business ideas

don't know what part of the country you are in, that makes a lot of diference.

the aftermarket Mopar parts deal has been " cottage" industry for long time, I assume it still is?

what?? something you have skill, knowledge, and interest in doing or making. people don't or can't do themselves. willing to spend the money to send you something to " fix" or redo? making a part that's needed for enough cars to be viable?

with all the interest in slants and the potential for more power w ith a turbo. is it a possibility for someone to make an affordable, kit that also looks like it could be factory engineered, and not what Jethro would have built!???? just one idea. slant people tend to ne "conservative" so it would need to be realistically priced????

(those garages are awesome!!! they even make my home look rather "plain"! LOl