Mopar electronic conversion fires 4 cylinder only

Ok, lets think about stuff
-As to post33. Im sure you probably know this, but the one offset slot in the reluctor is there to help in rotor phasing.I dont know if Chrysler designed it for that,but thats what I have used it for. I have never seen an out of phase rotor be able to choose which cylinders not to fire. It doesnt usually manifest until somewhere in the advance curve. So school me; whats your thinking?
-Man, this is a toughie!

What Im thinking about is the slots that are 180* from each other. One side is used for BB engines (CW) the other for SB engines (CCW). Although now looking at the pic of it I see what your saying about using it for phasing. I didnt realize that the slots where so close to the paddles. I was thinking they were further offset and just tossed it out there as a possibility. Now viewing the pic of it I dont think that would cause the issue the OP is having.

View attachment Reluctor.jpg