my son may have totaled his car tonight

Glad he is OK. You might tell him to stop chasing the deer in the fields with his car, though. LoL. I had a customer bring in his sons new Chevy truck in because he hit a deer. The insurance got them a rental and his son hit a deer a few days later. 2nd insurance claim. The dealership gave him a loaner, and you guessed it, his son hit another deer in it and did $2300. damage to it. The dad had already been warned by his agent after the 2nd wreck by his son. The dad refused to to call the insurance on the third wreck, so he paid that one out of his pocket to keep from filing a claim. So he spent 2-$500 deductibles plus $2300, before we ever got his sons truck fixed. The bill on the truck was over $10k.