New guy from Wisconsin

Hey folks, finally joined . I joined because this looks like a great resource for what I need. See, I just started looking for a Demon to rebuild with my Son, actually a certain car, but that's another story. I bought a new Demon in 1972, Hemi Orange, black interior, auto in the floor, black stripes and black hood scoop, I am sure you know the look I am describing . Drove that for 6 years, and marriage and kids came along and the Demon had to go.

Fast forward to today, I want another Demon before I die, I'm 60 now. So my Son and I decided to see what we can find, and take it from there. I always been a Mopar/Dodge guy.
I have been putting together some info about 72 Demons, but still have A LOT to learn. One thing I have to find out is, are the " K " members different on Darts and Demons? I have found a couple Darts being passed off as Demons, and there seems to be some differences in " k " members, or maybe I am wrong .

Anyway, thanks for letting me join, look forward to picking everyones brain.