my son may have totaled his car tonight

well here are some pics of Tylers car. According to the body shop it is on the verge of being totaled. could go either way. I decided not to involve the insurance company. It is going to need a hood, fender, header panel, headlight assy and front bumper. Maybe some small pieces when we get into it. We are going to do it ourselves. I checked around places I deal with and ordered the parts in. approx. $500.00 in parts. paint, that's not an issue. So why take a chance that the insurance co. can come back and jack up the rates. I have $500.00 deductible on it anyway. more payments and it is paid for. Do not need to go buy another car. About a 2 day job here. Poor momma deer got the worse of it. she lost some hair and I know she wonders what the hell hit her. LOL