offset bushings

What Rusty said.
-To Rusty; I guess you got a few hours on me,then. I only did front-end work for 5.5 years.
-To Bill; You can set the toe, with a tape, if you scribe the tires first. Just try and find accurate reference points on modern tires. Or you can use some sharp-edged thing leaned up against the tires. Problem is you cant really get up high enough to be accurate. Unless maybe you have a 4X4.You can however use this method for relative adjustments. Ie; add/ subtract some arbitrary number to the current number. But why bother?With all the jacking up, dropping down, trying to settle the suspension, rolling back, rolling it ahead, do it over, etc. IDK.PITA. Get it roughed in , take it to the shop.
-Having said all that; There have been times where nothing I would do for a customer,would cure a toe-related wander.I knew it had to be toe.So I marked the tierod sleeves, picked a side and cranked in some toe. Went for a ride.Stopped. cranked in a tad more, and so on til it steered right. Back to the garage I went. Jacked er up,observed the toe-change, split the difference, and reset both sleeves. Then back onto the rack to record the actual toe-spec, and made the notation in the customer history file, for future reference.Happy customer, happy boss,free advertising. Well not free but good PR. Now in another thread on this business, someone chewed me out over doing adjustments on the side of the highway.I do what I gotta do. Or rather did. Im semi-retired now.And FWIW, here in southern Mb. the highways just aint that busy. Sometimes you can drive 10 miles, in the middle of the afternoon, and not encounter another vehicle.
-So Bill, I know youre a good guy, and very knowledgeble, and I dont mean to aggravate you, but IMHO, Im sticking to my guns on that tape statement.