wire/lamp identity??

Im willing to bet you have many strong suits; for starters you are restoring/modding an old Mopar.The no 1 requirement, for that is patience, followed be perserverance, and persistence.You have built your own, very nice,cluster which additionally, requires a considerable cash outlay, hence one can conclude you have a well-paying job, which leads to the conclusion that you have other talents that are, somehow, valuable to your employer.Or you are successfully self-employed.And thats just for starters, and gleaned from a picture(s).
Carry on. and enjoy your work.

What I meant is simply that with these old cars just like my self employed woodworking field, I always think how much I actually do not know? That is why I enjoy reading on this website. You see, I am 65 years old and am a 100% Disabled USMC Vietnam Veteran. I got into these old cars about 15 years ago when my nephew gave me a 1970 6 cylinder Challenger. I used that car to build a special relationship with my 3 sons because we worked on them together. And one thing I always taught my boys is you never stop learning, you will never learn enough, and to always reach out when you are in doubt to your fellow man for help. I guess it is a Marine Corps thing. And no, I am not wealthy. I buy, sell, trade parts and spend money on what has become a passion of sorts which helps to keep my mind occupied and I love going to car shows and showing what I have so far learned and accomplished with these cars. Like my woodworking, every day is a new learning experience for me. And yes, electrical, is not my strong suit. And I will always wonder if I have a strong suit, because recognizing you are strong somewhere, makes you lazy and slows the mind down. Just when you think you are there, something comes and cuts you off at the legs. That is why Marines never stop learning, never stop trying to be better today than they were yesterday. But I will never think I know everything. I will leave that up to all those folks who do think that. And I will never stop helping people, who reach out for help. I hope this clears up what I meant by I wonder if I have a strong suit?? And I awake today to take on this day and go into it thinking the same way.... Sorry if I confused you... Semper Fi