273 motor mount?

I just did search feebay, nos for nos price ( sorry), then a westar brand for $22, sorry but these are $5 parts. I refuse to pay $22 for a $5 part. just me.... I looked for the receipt for the other mounts but couldn't find it..... I will call Schumaker and see if they sell just the mounts, they use the thicker ones on their OEM brackets ( I have the brackets)..
everyone wants a piece of the pie, but i'm sorry, some of the feebay prices are totally insane.

I gave Schumacher a call last week to see if they'd sell me just one mount for my 318 to 340 swap and they said they would. I already have their /6 to 273/318 swap mounts and they said itd be about $55 for the driver side mount by itself. So if you called them they'd probably work with you and get you what you need. I love their products!