Seems like we have had a lot of new members lately

Did you leave fbbo.....I never see you there.

I am on there more now because I ended up getting back into b- bodies and I have to chukkle because you said that was going to happen. Even though i still think they are beach whales

its so "clicky" there I couldn't stand it any more. now I know why you left . I check it out from time to time, but I rarely post unless its a smartass comment LOL. im always logged out . if you aren't "one of them" , your opinions and tech help is always overruled by one of the "mopar gods"

Well my post count would be higher, but I was on vacation for about a year or so.

well , Ray , its good that you are back regardless of how much you post. I can say I get something out of every one lol